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Divorce/ Separation


When going through divorce or separation, concerns over your future financial security may often seem overwhelming.

​Any breakup brings uncertainty and the longer the length of a relationship the more unclear the future may appear afterwards.

​So, it is critically important that the property valuation used in your financial settlement is accurate, otherwise you could lose out financially.


Our service 


At Vantage Valuation we specialise in providing the highest quality and most accurate property valuations for divorce and separation purposes. Whether you are a lawyer seeking a valuation for your client or an individual going through the process of separation/divorce and do not have a legal representative, we can help.


Whilst parties may start the process of separation amicably, things can quickly evolve into legal action. This is why we ensure your valuation will meet the standard required by both the courts and lawyers, so you will not need to pay for another that does in this event.




There can often be a high level of conflict between the separating/ divorcing parties which can give rise to concerns about the valuer’s objectivity. We have the experience to remain objective, independent and impartial no matter what.  You can be confident that we will not allow others to influence our valuation conclusions. It is also worth noting that when we are asked to complete a valuation by both parties for this purpose, we take on the role of expert witness to the court. In other words, we have a legal duty to act with complete impartiality.


Expert valuers


We are aware that some of our competitors will have their valuers undertake valuations for separation/divorce purposes despite having relatively little experience in this specialist area. At Vantage Valuation we appreciate the need for a valuer to have adequate experience in this type of work. All our valuers are all fully accredited experts with years of experience in this field, so you will always get the ‘A’ team when obtaining your valuation from us.


Plain English


When there is disagreement over the value of your property, perhaps the most undervalued characteristic of a valuation is the clarity with which it is written. This is an area in which we excel. Our valuations contain no jargon or industry terminology and explain our approach and methods in simple terms. We rarely receive questions seeking clarification because our reports can be easily understood and in the event that you do have any questions, we are happy provide further explanation.


Market intelligence


Whilst it is often the case that one or other party may retain the marital home to live in themselves, it is also common that a property is sold as a result of separation/divorce.​ In our valuation we include an analysis of the key factors which add or detract from the market appeal of the property and our customers report that these comments have proved useful to when preparing their properties for sale.


We hope we can assist you with your valuation and feel free to contact us with any further questions you may have.


Read our free article answering the question 'Can I expect to sell my home for the same amount as my property valuation?'.


Let us know what your valuation requirements are and we will get back to you with a quotation. Your contact details will only be used for the purposes a quotation because we value your privacy.

Thank you. We will be in touch soon.

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