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Compulsory Purchase

The prospect of being legally obliged to sell an interest in your land can be extremely unsettling. Arming yourself with some knowledge of the compulsory acquisition process which must be followed will likely ally some of your concerns.


Whilst the compulsory acquisition process is governed by legislation, the amount of compensation to be paid for a property interest is principally determined by valuation and negotiation, rather than legal arguments.


Its worth noting that those seeking to acquire an interest in your property are obliged to reimburse you for some of those reasonable costs that you incur, such as the cost to obtain a valuation.

Any organisation seeking compulsory purchase will wish to reach agreement by negotiation rather than having to take to the matter a court or tribunal. So to negotiate effectively you will need a valuation that competes with their valuation or offer. 


Our valuers have the necessary expertise to provide you with a valuation that accurately reflects the compensation you should receive for the property interest being acquired, and we can also assist you with subsequent negotiations.

Let us know what your valuation requirements are and we will get back to you with a quotation. Your contact details will only be used for the purposes a quotation because we value your privacy.

Thank you. We will be in touch soon.

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